Siddiqui Educational Complex helps to support the poor and needy in marginalized communities working for their right, providing children the access to Education, providing the poor access to Basic Health Care and the means for Social Economic and Welfare support. Siddiqui Educational Complex aims to work in removing short term difficulties and is committed to work to its long term and sustainable goals.
The core long term objectives of Siddiqui Educational Complex can be summarized into the following:
- To advance and promote human rights, equality and diversity irrespective of race, color and creed in the world.
- Working to prevent short time difficulties and provide long term means of sustainable living in South Asia, Middle East, Africa and North America.
Improving Education in marginalized communities, focusing on the following areas:
- Equal opportunities for all (irrespective of gender) have access to education
- Enhancing quality in primary and secondary education.
- Development of our current Education setup.
Slaughtering At Eid al-Adha:
In the Shari’ah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the sacrifice of an animal has been recognized as a form of worship during three days of Dhul-Hijjah, namely, the 10th, 11th and 12th of the month. This is to commemorate the unparalleled sacrifice offered by the Hadrath Ibrahim Alayhi Salam, when he, in pursuance to a command of Allah conveyed to him in a dream, prepared himself to slaughter his beloved son, Sayyidna Isma’il, Alayhi Salam, and actually did so but, Allah Almighty, after testing his submission, sent down a sheep and saved his son from the logical fate of slaughter. It is from that time onwards that the sacrifice of an animal became an obligatory duty to be performed by every well to do Muslim.
Siddiqui Educational Complex made preparations for collective sacrifice. On Wednesday after Eid prayer, 38 animals slaughtered and on 2nd day of Eid, 9 more animals were slaughtered in the remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). Distribution of meat in distant and deserving areas and families was strictly assured.
Free Ambulance:
Currently Dar-ul-Uloom has only one ambulance. By the will of Allah, we are hoping to have five additional am-bulances in the following years.
Provision of pure drinking water
After the disastrous Earthquake of 2005, many lives were unfortunately lost and the problem of pure drinking water was elevated due to the damage done to the water supply. Alhamdulillah, Siddiqui Educational Complex was able to help repair the water supply which aided many people in the nearby places, as they were support-ed with access to clean drinking water.
Construction of Mosques
The Masajids, are the heart and soul of a Muslim, as they long to be there as a way to find solace in their lives. It is much more than a place of worship. This goes back to the sunnah of our master Muhammad Sallahu alaihi wasslaim, when upon emigrating to Madina, the first and foremost duty performed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was to build a Masjid. In one of the Sahih Hadith of the prophet Muham-mad sallahu alaihi wasslam He said, ‘Whosoever builds a house (masjid) for the pleasure of Allah, whether it is small or large, Allah builds for him a house in Paradise.’ – At-Tirmidhi
After the 2005 earthquake, Siddiqui Educational Complex focused on building mosques for the community which most of them have now been completed and some are under construction. Donations can be given for construction of whole of Masjid or a part, acting as Sadaqa-e-Jaariya.