Chancellor Message

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Founder of MEC Message

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Chairman Message

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Principal Message

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Introduction of

Siddiqui Educational Complex

Siddiqui Educational Complex is a remarkable institution that provides educational and social services based upon contemporary and modern subjects. In order to promote and propagate true Islamic teachings and philosophy, revive Islamic sciences, and for the moral and spiritual uplift of the Muslim Ummah, Alhaj Peer Allama Abd-ul-Ghafoor Naqshbandi (may his soul rest in peace) established Siddiqui Educational Complex in April 2002, under the Lightening and spiritual Guidance of Huzoor Shyakh-ul-Alam Alhajj Peer Alla-ud-din Siddiqui, a renowned spiritual sufi, who has perished his whole life in the love of Allah (SWT) & his Rusul (SAWW), implanting the illuminating petals of ‘ilm.

The main purpose of this institution is to enhance the knowledge of the students in both Deen and secular education, welcoming them into the world of modern sciences and nurturing them into perfecting the balance of both the Deen and Duniya. This is enabled by teaching them professional and technological skills, alongside engaging them in the dikr of Allah (SWT) & His beloved (SAWW), providing them with the best of both fields. Siddiqui Educational Complex has rapidly grown within few years and has expanded to more than four campuses for boys and girls, catering for the spiritual, intellectual and physical growth of students in all aspects, guiding them towards the true essence of Islam. The ultimate aim of Muslim education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah (SWT), achieving this through his most beloved Rasul (SAWW).

Siddiqui Educational Complex helps to support the poor and needy in marginalised.
An old and torn Quran that cannot be used must not be burned, but it can be wrapped in a clean piece of cloth and buried
One time or monthly giving. Help a meaningful cause.

Major Objectives

  • An interpretation of Islam in the light of the Qur’an, Sunnah and Fiqh (Jurisprudence) providing crystal-lized solutions to all the problem areas of life.
  • Awakening the love of our master, His beloved Sayyiduna Rasoolallah (SAWW) by embedding the Sun-nah of the prophet (SAWW) as well as following the footsteps of our As-salaaf (predecessors).
  • A system for the scientific, ideological, moral, spiritual and practical learning enabling the students to serve the nation and the country skillfully and sincerely.
  • A training format for the young generations furnishing them with comparative studies and research from the Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh, and other tracks of Shariah; enabling them to present and fulfill the needs of the day as a result of their religious study and their practical implementation.
  • Enabling the students to play their role in the universal unification of the Islamic Nations foregoing the pessimism of sects and creeds.
  • Equipping the students with computer education and modern sciences so that they may present the Is-lamic teachings in a way impressive for young minds and start a progressive career in any field of life.
  • Training the students morally and spiritually so that they build their character and strengthen their in-ner self and uplift themselves to abstinence and purification.
  • Unfolding and manifesting the hidden potentials of the students with the most traditional and contem-porary sciences along with the social, natural, religious, spiritual and informational tracks that are the prime objectives of this institution.
  • To organize and take up Health, Educational and Welfare programs for needy Women and children on priority basis.
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How are we unique?

Education is the birth right of every Muslim and Muslimah (man and women). Islam puts considerable emphasis on its followers to acquire knowledge. Investment in education is the best investment one can make, because it eventually leads to intellectual property.

Passed out
Staff Members
as syllabus

A very good choice for your child

Siddiqui Educational Complex has made tremendous achievements in various fields of work, in particularly, regarding their work ethic, time span and geographical work span, resulting in astonishing achievements so far.

Siddiqui Educational Complex arranges scholarships for those unfortunate, poor and deprived students who are very intelligent and competent, but due to a lack of resources could not acquire an education. However, due to the introduction of such scholarships, we are fulfilling the dreams of many ambitious students by providing them with varied education. It has continuously aimed to promote the tolerant, inclusive, peaceful and balanced message of Sufism, through the modern and scientific interpretation of Islam.