Chancellor Message

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Founder of MEC Message

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Founder of MEC Message

We are committed to imparting religious enlightenment and understanding in collaboration with contemporary knowledge. Our educational system is designed to turn out individuals who aspire to excel by creating the art of spiritual insight and rational foresight in their corporeal life. Do not limit yourself to deep words and profound spiritual allusions but make provision for the afterlife before death comes, when fine words will be lost and the rak`as you prayed by night or day will remain. Give voluntary charity as much as possible, for you owe more than merely the zakat obligatory. Do not wrong another person, for wrongs done to others are clouds of darkness on the Day of Judgment. Wronging others includes not doing what Allah has obliged you to do for them. Beware of enmity against anyone who has said, ‘La ilaha ill Allah’ (There is no god but Allah).Tell the truth when you speak. It is one of the worst betrayals to tell your brother something he thinks you are being honest about when the mat-ter is otherwise. Recite the Qur’an and contemplate its meanings. Reflect while reading it on the qualities Allah has praised, with which He describes the people He loves. Acquire these qualities yourself and shun those Allah has condemned. Do your utmost of memorizing the Holy Qur’an by acts as you do by words. Keep the thought of Allah Mighty and Majestic over before you with respect to what He takes from you and what He gives. He takes away nothing except that you may show patience and win His love, for He loves the patient, and when He loves you, He will treat you as a lover does to his beloved. Perform the remembrance of Allah (Dhikr) silently and aloud, in a group and when alone, for Allah Most High says, “Remember Me: I will remember you”. May Allah Almighty Show us the right path, the path of Siddiqeen (righteous people), Shuhada and Saleheen. Amen

Allama Alhaj Peer Abd-ul-Ghafoor Naqshbandi (Rahmatullah ‘alay)
(Founder of Siddiqui Educational Complex)

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Education is the birth right of every Muslim and Muslimah (man and women). Islam puts considerable emphasis on its followers to acquire knowledge. Investment in education is the best investment one can make, because it eventually leads to intellectual property.

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A very good choice for your child

Siddiqui Educational Complex has made tremendous achievements in various fields of work, in particularly, regarding their work ethic, time span and geographical work span, resulting in astonishing achievements so far.

Siddiqui Educational Complex arranges scholarships for those unfortunate, poor and deprived students who are very intelligent and competent, but due to a lack of resources could not acquire an education. However, due to the introduction of such scholarships, we are fulfilling the dreams of many ambitious students by providing them with varied education. It has continuously aimed to promote the tolerant, inclusive, peaceful and balanced message of Sufism, through the modern and scientific interpretation of Islam.