Eid-al-Adha festival, celebrated on the 10th day of last Islamic Lunar month and 24th of September 2015, is also called feast of the Sacrificed. The Eid ul Adha celebrates in the remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to sacrifice his son Ismail to God as an act of submission to God’s command and his son’s acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Prophet Ibrahim with a Sheep to sacrifice instead.
At this religious event, Siddiqui Educational Complex made arrangements for collective sacrifices. During Eid days, we slaughter animals to symbolize the sacrifice made by Ibrahim (A.S) and to re-enact the story. A large amount of meat from the sacrificial animal is given away and distributed among inhabitants of more than thirty villages as an act of charity and kindness. 45 animals had been slaughtered with efficient and effective management of meat distribution to all people indiscriminately. To insure just and fair distribution, different committees were formed, for example, The Distribution Committee, Stage Committee as well as many voluntary participators.
The symbolism is in the attitude – a willingness to make sacrifices in our lives in order to stay on the Straight Path. Each of us makes small sacrifices, giving up things that we desire or are important to us. A true Muslim, one who submits his or herself completely to Allah (SWT), is willing to follow Allah’s commands completely and obediently. It is this strength of the heart, purity in faith, and willingness to obey our Lord, by sacrificing our desires, in order to achieve ultimate closeness.
Siddiqui Educational Complex in April 2002, under the Lightening and spiritual Guidance of HudhoorShyakh-ul-‘AlamAlhajj Peer ‘Alla-ud-din Siddiqui, a renowned spiritual sufi, who has perished his whole life in the love of Allah (SWT) & his Rusul (SAWW), implanting the illuminating petals of ‘ilm.KhalifaAsitanaNeriya Sharif, Muhammad Nawaz Siddiqui Hazarvi, with the Dua’s of his Murshid, is occupied in taking this mission forth. The spirit of helping others to earn Allah’s pleasure is best reflected in the Muslim society, in particular the field of education. The greatest charity for a Muslim is to work for thewellbeing and prosperity of Mankind; hence by providing an education of the Deen, you are not only fixing their Duniya (worldly life) but also your Akhira (the hereafter)