The process of learning and achievement of excellence is a legacy of our religion. The chronicles of history re-peatedly bear witness to the fact that Muslim scholars pioneered and made gigantic leaps in various branches of modern sciences. We, therefore, are custodians to a trust vested unto us by the dictums of God-Almighty. The turn of events and transgression from destined path have tilted the scales in favor of the west. We thus find ourselves in a subservient position. At this point of time, vision with unflinching faith is the guiding principles to turn the wheels and arrest further degradation of our potentials. A big task lies ahead to revive and restore the ascendan-cy of Muslim scholar to its rightful place in today’s modern world. Let us join hands and carry this noble mission to conclusive end under the banner of Siddiqui Educational Complex. I have faith in you and with the blessings of Allah (SWT) we will reach the zenith of fulfillment and achievement. May Allah be with us all.
Amen Huzoor Shaykh-ul-Alam Allama Pir Alla-ud-Din Siddiqui (R.A)
(Chancellor, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University)