Chancellor Message

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Founder of MEC Message

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Chairman Message

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Messages by the founding figure of Siddique Educational Complex

The process of learning and achievement of excellence is a legacy of our religion. The chronicles of history re-peatedly bear witness to the fact that Muslim scholars pioneered and made gigantic leaps in various branches of modern sciences. We, therefore, are custodians to a trust vested unto us by the dictums of God-Almighty. The turn of events and transgression from destined path have tilted the scales in favor of the west. We thus find ourselves in a subservient position. At this point of time, vision with unflinching faith is the guiding principles to turn the wheels and arrest further degradation of our potentials. A big task lies ahead to revive and restore the ascendan-cy of Muslim scholar to its rightful place in today’s modern world. Let us join hands and carry this noble mission to conclusive end under the banner of Siddiqui Educational Complex. I have faith in you and with the blessings of Allah (SWT) we will reach the zenith of fulfillment and achievement. May Allah be with us all.

Amen Huzoor Shaykh-ul-Alam Allama Pir Alla-ud-Din Siddiqui (R.A)
(Chancellor, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University)

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How are we unique?

Education is the birth right of every Muslim and Muslimah (man and women). Islam puts considerable emphasis on its followers to acquire knowledge. Investment in education is the best investment one can make, because it eventually leads to intellectual property.

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A very good choice for your child

Siddiqui Educational Complex has made tremendous achievements in various fields of work, in particularly, regarding their work ethic, time span and geographical work span, resulting in astonishing achievements so far.

Siddiqui Educational Complex arranges scholarships for those unfortunate, poor and deprived students who are very intelligent and competent, but due to a lack of resources could not acquire an education. However, due to the introduction of such scholarships, we are fulfilling the dreams of many ambitious students by providing them with varied education. It has continuously aimed to promote the tolerant, inclusive, peaceful and balanced message of Sufism, through the modern and scientific interpretation of Islam.